Mar 19, 2012

Every drop counts

Summer is just around the corner and like every year, we are going to be faced with water scarcity. There is no way we can increase the quantity of water on the face of Earth. Since we can't increase the supply, we can only cut consumption - its simple,
It is really simple. There are so many ways we can save water in our daily routine by taking simple steps. Here's how -
1. Ask yourself - do you really need to wash your vehicle everyday? If we resort to just wiping it with a moist cloth instead of washing it with a garden pipe, just imagine how much water we will each save.
2. Keeping the tap running when brushing or shaving amounts to perfectly good water going down the drain - literally!
3. Most flush tanks have a capacity of about 6-8 litres. Have you ever wondered whether all that quantity is needed every time you use the flush? One way is to remember to shut it off halfway instead of using all the water. A friend of mine has been using an ingenious idea. He keeps a bottle of water inside the flush tank. This way a 6 liter tank gets filled up every time with only 5 lt. of water.
4. Yes, having a shower is a nice feeling, but it can become a costly luxury in days of water shortage. Use a bucket instead. Start with doing it on alternate days at least? Its easy to get used to!
5. Keep an eye on the waiter in the restaurant next time. Many of them are used to filling up the glass as you have you drunk a bit of water. Take only that much water which you are really going to drink.
6. Do you use your washing machine at half its capacity? Oops. Why not wait and use it only when there is a full load of clothes?
7. Some people become paranoid when municipal authorities announce a cut in water supply. They behave as if there is no tomorrow and proceed to fill up every utensil that they can find in the house. Why? Let's store only that much that you need, and just a little some more for emergency.
8. The other day I was watching a friend while he was washing the dishes and I saw him follow an interesting system. Here's what he does -
Suppose you have to wash 6 tea cups, lets call them 1,2,3 upto 6. After scrubbing them all with detergent, they are all ready for final rinsing, right? Now, while you are rinsing Cup 1, keep Cup 2 directly below it in the sink. Get the idea? When washing Cup 2, keep Cup 3 below, then pick up Cup 3 and keep Cup 4 below. Try it out, each cup requires less water to be rinsed clean with this method, than if you rinse each one separately. (Plus, you might not close the tap every time you keep one cup to the side and pick up the other one.)
Don't believe me? Try it out and of course, let me know!

Note - While doing all this, spare a thought for the birds who also need water. It is a nice gesture to keep just one dish of water in your garden/terrace/balcony every morning for birds.

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