Greeny is a sapling. With a difference. It walks and talks like any of you. It has the voice of a gush of fresh air and the enthusiasm of a flowing stream.
It is a sapling which feels that over one-fourth of the worlds population is between the ages of 10-20, and 86% of them live in less developed countries, the time to address them is now. With the advent of media, most youth today are concerned about the environment. They are aware of issues like global warming, energy crisis and dwindling species. However, many of them are unsure of what they can do to help. Greeny tells them exactly that.
Sprung from the earth, this sapling can depict any aspect of life from any corner of the world. It speaks of the plight of forests, the oceans and rivers, even the air that we al breathe. Conceived as a friendly being who depicts the environments backlash to years of abuse and encroachment, Greeny is a visual representation of natures reaction.
The youth would, naturally, identify with an animated character that defines nationality, and can take on the hues of any situation he is in. an icon who cares for his community. While doing this, it retains has a spirit of fun, enterprise and zest for life that is so typical of youth. He is loveable, brave, adventurous, curious, affectionate and responsible.