Mar 29, 2010

Don't ignore the warning

Guess what this is? That's the TV, music system or some other appliance that you supposedly switched off before going to sleep last night. Surprised?
We often switch off these appliances using a remote rather than switching off from the mains. That consumes electricity all the time. Lots of it, if you total up the number of appliances that all the homes in a typical city like Pune would have.
The little red light that remains ON even after we have pressed that remote button should warn all of us of an impending energy crisis unless we take urgent steps to save energy. Start by taking small steps within your home.
Tonight, do get up and switch off the TV from the mains. Don't just use the remote.


FreeSoul said...

Hi Greeny

I visited your site and found it very interesting.

But, when I tried giving feedback, mailing, being a volunteer...nothing works in the system.

Also, would be great if the spelling of 'be volenteer' is corrected. It should be 'volunteer' or 'be a volunteer'.

Hope you don't mind.


Greeny said...

@ FreeSoul - Hey, thanks! Yes, actually the website is still getting built and some of the pages are not working. Sorry about that. We will soon have it all up.
As for the spelling mistake, we have taken note of that. Thanks again!