Apr 8, 2010

What can you do? Here's what!

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Just the other day, Greeny wandered across a blog by Shirish and Vanaja. Their occupation makes interesting reading - it says "Any work that we like and enjoy and does not harm others" The concept of sutainable development couldn't have been described better. That's OK, you would say. But what do they do? Lot of things, and to use their own words, "
This includes trying to grow our own food and creating a conscious kitchen at our home".
Now - how many times have you heard anyone describing their kitchen as 'conscious'? Wow. Just what Greeny wants to see happen across many more homes in our cities.
What Shirish and Vanaja are doing is not rocket science. In fact, they take pride in calling themselves 'Unenlightened first-time farmers'. Nice.
You could follow their example surely. All you need is patience and inclination. So first of all, visit their blog at "From urban culture to agriculture"
Don't forget to compliment them on their good work. It is so simple to say "great work!" by posting a comment on the blog. If you come across any more such examples of people taking initiative to adopt a green lifestyle, do write to Greeny.
Happy Farming!

1 comment:

Unenlightened First-time Farmers said...

Hey Greeny,

Just saw this blog entry of yours about our blog - thanks for the very kind words - it is encouraging.
